There are plenty of websites on international interest rates and other economic information. Here is a collection of 5 which could give you quite an interesting insight of the current money conditions in the world.
1. - an informative website where one could learn what Euribor is and how its value could affect the mortgages or one's personal savings.
2. - the website has an English version where one could check the current International Interest Rates. The page about USD LIBOR gives a plenty of information up to date. The website also provides some free tables and graphics about EURIBOR, EONIA, ECB Refinancing Rate and FED federal funds rate which you could use on your own website.
3. - in the LIBOR section of the website there is a lot of historical and up-to-date data on LIBOR rates.
4. Central Bank Interest Rates - this is a subsection of the previous website which summarizes the current interest rates of major central banks and also provides insight on the previous changes and behaviour of each of the banks.
5. Inflation Information - again a subsection of global-rates. A great source of historical information collected in one place. The US CPI of 2.6 released today is still not marked on the site but I hope this will be corrected soon.
1 comment:
This is a wonderful website!!
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Easy investment
Easy investment : EUR/USD
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